Thank you for downloading my "Christmas Trilogy1" themes and screensavers. This package comes with 8 exe programs. 1 Theme install for all 3 themes, 3 Screensavers and 3 Toolbars and a little program that will make snow on your desktop. Please note... if you find your computer running slow, you may want to uninstall the snow program which will show in your taskbar. If you do not have sufficent ram, it may use to much of your system memory, but if you have plenty of ram, its pretty cool. If you do not use internet explorer, there is no need to install the toolbars. It is not associated with the theme and is only an extra. If you use IE, it is a really nice extra effect and will match your browser to this theme. Seperate instructions are included in the toolbar install. *************************************************************** This theme includes cursors used with permission and created by 3D Visit his website at http://www, *************************************************************** To install the themes and screensavers: Run all exe programs to install the themes and screensavers! After installing, open your theme manager and choose one of the 3 themes and click apply. The 3 themes are: Christmas Evening Christmas now Christmas SnowKids This will set the theme and screensaver. This themes are free and yours to keep. The screensavers that are included with this package are shareware and free to use for 7 days. After the 7 day trial period you can choose to register or you may choose another screensaver to accompany this theme. *****CHRISTMAS TRILOGY SPECIALS***** Register all 3 screensavers for ONLY $9.99! The cost to register is individually is $4.99 (US). Secure online ordering available by going to: Uninstalling the screensaver will not effect the theme. Simply open your theme manager or display and choose another. You must also have at least Internet Explorer 4 and Media Player 7.1 to play the sounds included with this theme. Complete instructions and download links can be found at my website by clicking on the FAQ (frequently Asked Questions) button. Just go to for online help. The screensaver included must be installed seperatly. If at any time during the theme or screensaver instalation Windows asks if you want to replace a file that already exists, choose yes or yes to all. The setup program will detect some elements of whichever program you installed first, but all files and images must be installed for both the theme and screensaver to function properly. The screensaver may be fully configured by going to Start... Settings... Control Panel. Double click on display and choose the screensaver tab. Make sure this screensaver is showing in the drop down menu and click on settings. You may turn the music on and off etc. here. Have a great day, Gail Theme author, designer